WATCH: What lesson did Aiman Zaman teach a stalker?

aiman zaman, stalker, lesson

Rising actor and social media celebrity, Aiman Zaman revealed how she once taught a lesson to a guy who followed her.

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During a recent outing on ARY Zindagi’s program ‘The Night Show with Ayaz Samoo’, Aiman Zaman recalled how she once got a stalker beat up in public when he followed her during college days.

When revealed that she learnt karate as a kid, Zaman was asked by the host if she ever put those skills to use. “Many times. When I was a kid – not exactly a kid but during my teenage – I did beat up many boys,” she replied.

Upon being asked about the last time she did so, Zaman explained that it was during her college days, and there was a guy who used to follow her van. “He was stalking me for a week, and then one day, when I was not accompanied by my friend, he sort of came close and started walking beside me. So I just paused and confronted him,” she recalled.

The celebrity continued that when the person refused to back off, she decided to teach him a lesson and approached a group of men. “I told them that he had been following me for several days and then let them take over him,” she added with a laugh.

It is worth mentioning here that young actor Aiman Zaman is also one of the most famous internet personalities from Pakistan with over 7.6 million followers on TikTok in addition to more than a million of them on Instagram.

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