SC seeks details about mining at Margalla hills

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court (SC) on Monday sought details of mining at the Margalla hills, ARY News reported.

SC was hearing a case related to the occupation of forest lands in the country. At the outset of the hearing, the SC bench showed concern over mining at the Margalla hills.

Trees can be seen at the Margalla hills on the Islamabad side while on the other side, mining is going on, CJP Justice Umar Ata Bandial remarked.

The mining is going on at the KP’s die, government’s lawyer Raja Shafqat told CJP.

“Forest lands are being occupied, what steps are being by the government for the plantation of trees”, the top judge asked.

The lawyers of the federal and provincial governments replied to the CJP that all leases of forest lands have been canceled.

Read more: Supreme Court denies permission for stone crushing in Margalla Hills

Later, the CJP while summoning the details of the forest land evacuated in the province adjourned the hearing of the case for a month.

It may be noted that in 2020, Supreme Court denied a petition seeking permission for stone crushing in Margalla Hills.

While rejecting the plea, the then CJP Gulzar Ahmed remarked that the entire Margalla Hills would be crushed to the ground if permission was issued for crushing.


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